Sunday, June 8, 2014

Celebrating at Beth Emanuel, 6/7/14

What an amazing time we had at Beth Emanuel dancing and celebrating Shavuot!  Everyone looked beautiful in white with different colored scarves, Michael you looked handsome as always!   The presenting of gifts was truly inspiring and uplifting, there were so many wonderful songs, dances and testimonies that the night passed too quickly. 

The meaning of Shavuot: 
Shavuot is a Jewish holiday which celebrates God's giving of the Torah to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai. It is also known as the "Feast of Weeks." It has connections to an ancient grain harvest festival and is one of three pilgrimage holidays celebrated in ancient Israel.
Shavuot is celebrated seven weeks after Passover, exactly fifty days after the first seder. For this reason, some Jews refer to the holiday as Pentecost. It is a two-day holiday, though in Israel it is only celebrated for one day. In the Jewish calendar, it begins at sundown on the 5th of the month of Sivan and lasts until night falls on the 7th of Sivan.
In 2014, Shavuot begins on June 3 and ends on June 5.
As Jewish kosher laws were part of the message included in the Torah, on Shavuot is is customary to eat dairy products. No work is done on this day. Holiday candles are lit, and some people stay up all night on the first evening reading the Torah.
Before the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, Jews would bake two special loaves of bread from their first grain harvest and present them to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Another dance opportunity

 Nancy Mullins leads the Davidic Praise Dancers that is another opportunity that is available for you. Check out this group's videos on the YouTube Channel as well as their site at: Davidic Praise Dancers

Announcing tambourine class


Don't get worried....I am fully committed and dedicated to our Messianic dancing. However, just like you can love more than one child, I have discovered a love for worship with the tambourine. This is scriptural the same verse with dancing! Psalm 150:4 'Praise Him with timbrel (tambourine) and dancing!' Thanks to an invitation from Leah, I found out that there is an opportunity to learn the Shachah method of playing the tambourine in Mesa. You can find out more about this ministry now located in Texas that was started in the 1980's by Margaret Yap by visiting Shachah. (Click link below) Some of us have already begun attending and are so excited to continue and learn. You are welcomed, invited and encouraged to come and see what is all about. The classes are free and there are extra tambourines to use if you don't have one.  

EVERY MONDAY....Tambourine Class...7pm-8:30pm (about) Fountain of Life Christian Fellowship, 6052 E. Baseline Rd. Mesa, 85206. The building is located on the North side of Baseline Rd...East of Recker Rd. Take the second left-hand turn-out after Recker into a business-type strip mall.  After turning, continue straight into the parking lot. The room is the last door on the right (west).  
Hope to see you there, Nancy